What does it take to become a Master Gardener™ Volunteer?
The Master Gardener™ Program of Oregon welcomes enthusiastic gardeners with a willingness to share their interest and experience with the public. To become a Master Gardener you must take the Master Gardener Basic Training Program offered through a OSU County Extension office. For further information on Oregon chapters we have provided links to each county chapter on this web site.
We are committed to sustainable gardening through:
- Partnering with OSU to promote and support the OSU Extension Service Master Gardener Program.
- Advocating for funding to deliver the Master Gardener Program across Oregon.
- Fostering quality continuing education of all Master Gardeners; and
- Providing support and guidance for county Master Gardener chapters.
Be the go-to resource for guidance and support to the Oregon Master Gardener chapters.
2025 Goals
The Oregon Master Gardener™ Association is a statewide, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose purpose is to enhance and support the OSU Master Gardener™ program. The county Master Gardener chapters together make up the state association. OMGA is comprised of representatives of each of the 23 county chapters, as well as state officers. Quarterly OMGA meetings are held at various locations around the state.
Advocacy is an OMGA Goal for 2023
“The Oregon Master Gardener Association (OMGA) commits to advocating for the OSU Extension Master Gardener™ Program. Through its Advocacy Task Force, the OMGA will seek to garner support from decision-makers (OSU leadership, County and City Commissioners, and the Oregon Legislature) in funding for the OSU Master Gardener Program.”
Support MG Program funding! Tell your Oregon Legislators to support the OSU Statewide Public Service Programs (OSU Statewides) funding request.
For more details and resources please see our Advocacy page.
Ask an Expert Ask an Expert is a way for you to get answers from the Oregon State University Extension Service. We have experts in family and health, community development, food and agriculture, coastal issues, forestry, programs for young people, and gardening. Please choose your county and enter as much relevant detail about your question as possible. We will do our best to respond to your question within two business days.
Master Gardener Program Quick Stats
In Oregon, there are 4,160 Active Master Gardener Volunteers A total of 845 individuals joined the Master Gardener Program, as trainees/apprentices Together, veteran Master Gardeners and trainees volunteered a total of 194,898 hours, in support of OSU Extension Master Gardener Program.
Help support OMGA!
When you make purchases on Amazon or at Fred Meyers a percentage of those dollars can come back to OMGA. Just follow the links below and use our account numbers. Thanks!
AmazonSmiles – https://smile.amazon.com/ch/93-0893329
Fred Meyer Community Rewards – https://www.fredmeyer.com/topic/community-rewards-4 (#CA633)
What is OMGA™ and what does it do for you?
The Master Gardener™ Program was established by the OSU Extension Service to help disseminate horticultural information to the public. Volunteers are trained in participating counties and serve under the direction and guidance of County Extension Agents.
Many volunteers in OSU’s Master Gardener Program choose to associate themselves as members of their county Master Gardener Association Chapters. Membership in these chapters brings with it membership in the statewide organization, OMGA™.
While OMGA and its subsidiary Chapters were created principally to support and supplement OSU’s Master Gardener Program, OMGA and the Chapters are separate entities, distinct from the Master Gardener Program itself, OSU. OMGA acts autonomously and is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of a State Representative from each of its chapters. OMGA is a tax-exempt organization 501(3)(c) Incorporated in the State of Oregon.