The Oregon Master Gardener™ Association is a statewide, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose purpose is to enhance and support the OSU Master Gardener™ program. The county Master Gardener chapters together make up the state association. OMGA is comprised of representatives of each of the 23 county chapters, as well as state officers. Quarterly OMGA meetings are held at various locations around the state.
The Oregon Master Gardener™ Association (OMGA) serves four main functions as part of the Oregon Master Gardener Program:
- To enhance and supplement the Oregon State University Home Horticulture Program. (Master Gardener™ Program).
- To assume responsibility for performing special tasks and engaging in continuous activities related to the program.
- To award scholarships for post-secondary education in the fields of horticulture and plant sciences on the basis of scholastic merit and need.
- To work with other gardening organizations to enhance gardening in Oregon, when appropriate.
OMGA sponsors a newsletter titled The Gardeners Pen Newsletter; an annual conference, the OMGA Mini-College; and also celebrates individual and chapter accomplishments with an annual presentation of awards.